A special welcome to all parents and learners at the beginning of the 2025 academic year! All our learners have settled in beautifully and we anticipate a very productive first term. The grade R parents who enrolled their little ones were absolutely fantastic. As of 08.30 we were able to commence formal school activities. We are extremely impressed with the level of maturity shown by the parents and this can only serve as a positive platform for our interactions. As this is the beginning of the academic year, it is our sincere desire to ensure that all our learners put their best foot forward and show what positive girls and boys they can be.
Parents play an invaluable role in the relationship between the school and the learner. Let us ensure that our conversations and interactions are positive at all times.
The school values must be espoused by all who interact with the school. We therefore wish all staff members,learners and parents to display the following organisational values when interacting within the school.
Learners at Delta Primary receive the required stationary free of charge. However, The school requires that the items on the school stationery list which was issued with the report be attended to as a matter of urgency. If everything has already been attended, we then express our thanks and appreciation for your cooperation. Learners have been issued with all writing materials, pens, pencils etc. This was to ensure that day 1 commenced effectively.Â
Please, be advised that we will have our first mandated parent AGM on Monday the 20 January 2025 @ 18h00 in the Main Hall. We would like all our parents to be in attendance as important information will be shared with you.Â
We wish to make a special appeal to all our parents to ensure that our learners are supported when they bring school work home. Learners will remain motivated and focused, if parents show an active interest in the academic progress of the learners.Â
Challenges in human relationships must be addressed openly, fairly and honestly with the focus on solving the problem and not escalating the problem.Â
All parents are required to observe the following procedure when interacting with the school.
- To collect and drop- off learners at the gate and not in front of their individual classes. This measure is to limit the movement of visitors onto the premises and also serves as a safety measure. Remember, the safety of all learners from Grade R to Grade 7 is our primary task and responsibility.Â
- Make an appointment to speak to the class teacher after school only, no parent will be allowed an audience with a teacher during contact time. In the case of a life threatening emergency, parents are requested to speak directly to the Principal. All parents must be dressed in `day clothes`, an audience will not be granted to a parent clothed in pyjamas.
- Please do not be late to fetch your child. Our loved ones should not be left wondering where their parents are.
- Official times for opening and closing of the school gates. Gates open at 07.30 am and gates are close at 16:00 Monday to Thursday, Friday @ 14:00
- Late-coming by learners remains a challenge; please ensure that the learners are at school on time!
- Meetings with the school principal will transpire after an appointment has been made which was confirmed by Ms V Jacobs the secretary. Appointments will transpire from Monday – Thursday 09.00 am to 11.00 only.
Voluntary contributions to the school fundraising is essential for the successful management of the school. The school is not spared of costs related to water, electricity, teacher salaries, stationery purchases for learners and maintenance of the school building. Your monetary contributions to the school will assist the school to maintain a healthy balance sheet.
Our first fundraiser is the Surfwalk in term 1 and it is crucial that we collect funds given the reduction of teacher posts at our school.We are reminding parents that in 2024, the schools lost 3 teacher posts.
The school uniform remains the pride of the school. We wish to encourage all our parents to purchase the official uniform of the school. Please, come and speak to the secretary to order the uniform so that all our learners can be Proudly Delta!
Be reminded that newsletters are available on the school`s website every Friday URL:deltaprimary.org.za. Parents are able to register on the website to receive the newsletter.The newsletter informs all stakeholders of relevant information in relation to school activities.
Teachers will make use of a message book to keep parents updated about specific class information.All messages to teachers must be written in the child’s message book.Â
Parents please ensure that the teachers are given the correct learner information
“Let parents bequeath to their children not riches, but the spirit of reverence. Parents are the ultimate role models for children. Every word, movement and action has an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent.“ – Carl Jung