We have provisionally diarised our school concert for the following dates:
5 September 2024 @ 6pm – Foundation phase group (yellow ticket), 12 September 2024 @ 6pm – Intersen phase group(blue ticket). Tickets will be sold @ R50 for adults (from age 14 upwards) and R25 for children (between ages 6-13). Delta learners who are involved in the concert will not be required to pay for tickets.All families are required to purchase tickets and this is one of the school`s major fundraising events in order to maintain the school`s financial obligations. The learner who collects the most tickets will be awarded a music box, which was so kindly donated by one of our service providers.
We are in the final week of our Mandela Day collection period and we are once again reminding and encouraging all learners and their parents to support this noteworthy community project. Donations have been divided as follows:
Grade R-1 (baked beans and pilchards)
Grade 2-3 (peas and spaghetti)
Grade 4-5 (sugar and flour)
Grade 6-7 (pasta,soup,tea and coffee)
Should you feel a desire to offer any item which could benefit a senior please forward it to the school.
Below are the wonderful pictures of the projects completed by parents and learners of the Grade R cohort.
It is extremely important that all our learners accept that regular school attendance is vital in order to consistently improve academically. We wish to highlight that all learners must be at school for the 5 days as required by the SASA. We are also aware that certain actions must be followed in order to enhance the process of learning throughout the child’s school career.
- Regular checking and signing of books and completion of homework and assignments.
- Ensuring that learners get to bed on time.
- Ensuring that learners arrive at school on time.
- Ensuring positive communication between parent and teacher.
- Interacting with the teacher on academic matters.
- Ensuring that learners are well groomed on a daily basis.
- Reminding our children that school and learning is an important part of developing into a citizen that can contribute positively to our society.
We are in the heart of Winter with chills on a daily basis. We make the following appeal and recommendations
- Learners who are displaying flu symptoms in the morning, vomiting or have upset stomachs must be retained at home and taken to the doctor. Learners must then return after they are healthy again. Teachers are not allowed to administer medication to learners. Learners are often sent to school only to be collected an hour later due to their illness, please assist in this regard.
- Many learners walk to school and arrive soaked due to the rain. Let’s consider having some extra clothes so that learners can change into dry clothes when they arrive at school.
- All learners need a raincoat to keep their clothes dry.
When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up. – Les Brown