Term 3 at most schools is a mixture of positive, challenging and inspirational experiences. This term we experienced much of the same. Notable achievements are the continued support from our sponsors.

  1. Food and Trees for Africa who continues providing training and support for our gardening  and supplying resources for the garden in a sustainable manner. Should all our strategic plans align we will install a gardening irrigation system utilising the available groundwater and the jojo tanks.
  2. Margie who has volunteered her time religiously on Friday to assist Bettie in developing a sustainable composting project. The intention behind the project is to supply the school garden with organic manure on a termly basis. Thus, the school has no need to purchase bags of manure to feed the soil.
  3. Our learners have once again been recipients of food supplies via the NSNP as well as identified learners receiving a food hamper from Carmen Stevens Foundation. Learners are identified and on a rotational basis the food parcels are distributed equitably. Regrettably all learners cannot benefit at the same time. We have extended our thanks and appreciation to the foundation
  4. The completion of our waiting area is a notable infrastructure improvement for the benefit of the learners during inclement weather.
  5. The construction of the industrial curtain rail, to ensure the implementation of curtains for our school concerts. Is also a notable infrastructure improvement and added value to the concert experience.
  6. The wonderful condition of the sports field, which boosts the image of the school as a green school. The school field must be maintained so as to ensure that learners do not endure a situation where they play in the sand during breaks.
  7. Access control via the presence of a security marshal is another notable security addition and assists the schools overall plan to secure the school infrastructure.


The management and staff express thanks and appreciation to our parents, business partners and community members who approach the school in a positive spirit with the aim of improving the learning experience. Your sense of commitment to ensure that the school `strives forward` is noted and appreciated.


We were in a position to give the grade 1C class a hotdog on Friday the 13/09/2024 for selling the most tickets. Two of the learners did exceptionally well and sold 10 tickets within the family circle. They were gifted a music box for their efforts

Grade 1c – Deyonte Williams and Teymar Delcarme in grade 4C 


The school bids Mrs Percival on 20/09/2024. As she enters into a much deserved retirement. A collective total of 34 years in public service is reflected in service years and her contribution to the school is noted and appreciated. The school bids her well into her retirement and hopes that she enjoys good health into her retirement.



School reopens on the 1 October 2024

The dismissal times for the 1st week of school are highlighted below.

Date Time Note
01/10/2024 to 3/10/2024 13:00 ALL GRADES
04/09/2024 12:20 ALL GRADES


The vacation period brings along a sense of relaxation and a break from the demands of our daily routine. In this regard I wish to advocate that we be vigilant with regards to the safety of our children, in particular when we are near water. Please take special care that no evil, harm or danger overcomes our children during the vacation period. Monitor their movements strictly and ensure that you, at all times, know where your child is. 

Given the constant threat of crime we wish to make a special appeal to all our parents and learners  to ensure that our boys and girls remain safe during the vacation. Learners must inform their parents as to their whereabouts at all times. It may also be that many learners are home while parents go to work. Please speak to our learners about safety at home.


The following is a list of special events planned for the new term. Dates shall be communicated in the new term

  • Delta Pageant
  • School learner disco and combo
  • Awards ceremony
  • Final examinations


“Go placidly amidst the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence“ – Desiderata – Max Ehrman